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Attorney Jordan Van Matre

Why seek medical help after a car accident even when you are not “injured”?

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2025 | Car Accidents

Seeing a doctor after suffering a serious injury in a car accident, such as a severe burn or broken bone, can be a no-brainer. Yet, you may debate whether or not you need medical help when there is no visible injury or when the injuries are minor.

Anyone involved in an accident should get immediate medical attention, even when not “injured.” Here is why:

Your injuries may have delayed symptoms

When you are involved in a car accident, your body will release adrenaline to increase your alertness and strength, allowing you to get out of the stressful situation. During an adrenaline rush, pain can be masked. Additionally, other symptoms of adrenaline rush, including increased heart and breathing rates, may take your attention from any pain you may be feeling.

Therefore, while you may be injured in an accident, it can take hours before you feel pain. And other symptoms can take days before they appear. By this time, the injury may have worsened.

Visiting a doctor immediately after an accident allows you to go through a medical examination. Consequently, your doctor can discover hidden injuries and, in turn, treat you.

You need detailed documents for a claim

If you decide to file a claim against the party that caused the accident, your medical records will be critical in proving the link between the accident and your injuries. Taking too long to seek medical help may negatively impact the strength of your claim since you were exposed to different elements after the accident that may have injured you or worsened your injury.

It’s vital to visit a doctor after being involved in an accident. You should also get more information about your case to determine how to receive the compensation you deserve.