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Attorney Jordan Van Matre

Blood clots can occur after car crashes

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2024 | Car Accidents

Car crashes are traumatic, particularly at high speeds. Often, injuries are immediately evident. For example, a victim may have hit their head, leading it to bleed profusely. Nonetheless, that isn’t always the case. 

Serious injuries can be delayed or hidden. One such injury is a blood clot. When the blood clots after trauma, this can potentially be fatal. What are some of the most common signs to look out for

Blood clots in the legs 

As the legs often take the brunt of a crash, blood clots frequently start in this area. However, the most dangerous thing about blood clots is that they can move up the body if left untreated. If you have developed a clot in your leg, it may: 

  • Feel tender when touched 
  • Turn a bright red color
  • Feel warm to the touch
  • Have protruding veins
  • Swell to a much larger size 

Any signs of clotting in the leg should be examined immediately by a doctor. As mentioned, not seeking medical attention early could result in the clot moving up to the chest. If the clot has traveled to the chest, the victim may notice: 

  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Chest pains 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Coughing up blood

As delayed injuries are possible after a crash, it is generally recommended that everyone involved sees a doctor. Not only can this protect your well-being, but it will help with any future personal injury claim. 

If you were hurt due to negligence, then holding the negligent party to account is a real possibility. Seek legal guidance to find out more about your chances of obtaining compensation.